"For I was a hungered, and you gave me meat: I was thirsty, and you gave me drink: I was a stranger, and you took me in."
Matthew 25:35
We BELIEVE no one should go hungry. We are trying to meet the needs of the homeless we come in contact with as we travel across this great nation we live in. We are giving these people food, water, personal hygiene items, blankets, socks, gloves and anything we can think of to make life just a little more bearable. These people just want someone to talk to and to know that they may be in a bad situation but they still matter.

You can make a difference
We are looking for individuals and companies who are willing to work with us to meet the needs of those less fortunate than ourselves. Whether it's a one time donation or monthly support. ALL is appreciated and very much needed. It is our hope that you would prayerfully consider helping us meet the needs of those that have lost their hope. .
We have different levels of partnership. Please contact us for more information.
Help us make a difference!!Homelessness has become an epidemic
According to the US Department of Housing and Urban Development's Homeless Assessment Report, as of 2017 there were around 554,000 homeless people in the United States on a given night. 1.6 BILLION WORLDWIDE.
There are many reasons why some people are homeless. Whether it's addictions, family problems or just economical situations. There are just as many reasons as there are Homeless individuals. Even if these people are homeless there is NO REASON they should go hungry. As drivers traveling across the nation making our deliveries and pickups, we see all the waste in this country.
Why can't corporate America reach out and help more than they do?
Why doesn't the government use resources to make sure it's citizens' needs are met?